Group Training

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Anti-Harassment and Abusive Workplace Conduct Prevention - CA Employees

20 Minutes
This training complies with California’s annually required awareness training under the sexual harassment and abusive conduct regulations. Please note this course Does Not meet the minimum two-hour management course and is designed for those in the workforce who do not manage employees.


Lock out/Tag out (LOTO)

This annually required training for all workers covers the safe de-energization of powered equipment/machinery for the purpose of conducting service, sanitizing/cleaning, and repair work. This LOTO training complies with the CalOSHA “Authorized Employee Requirements”. In addition, we will demonstrate the actual application of the required equipment designed for de-energization. Participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Confined Space

CalOSHA required annual training for anyone who will makes or assists in making bodily entry into any confined spaces such as tanks, pits, or any other spaces where:

During this class, we will demonstrate the use of a respirator, permitting process, atmospheric gas monitors, and a practice rescue will be featured. Participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Heat Illness and Prevention

Businesses that usually operate indoors, are now finding their place in the sun…the hot sun. With many businesses choosing to operate outdoors, the staff is exposed to high heat environments more than ever. After this session managers will be able to train their team members in the proper safety procedures for working in a high heat environment. This information is essential for avoiding CalOSHA citations and fines for non-compliance. If you don’t already have a heat illness program, please make time for this vital safety training.

Forklift Certification

Anyone operating a forklift is required by CalOSHA to have a forklift operators’ certificate on file verifying competency. During our classroom training, we will cover the principles of the stability triangle, safe loading, and unloading, pre-operation inspections, reading the data plate, pedestrian safety, what to do in case of a tip-over, and other items as required by CalOSHA. After the completion of the classroom portion, all participants must complete and pass the written exam which will be provided to you. Once the operator has passed his/her exam, a physical driving demonstration and skills evaluation must be conducted in an environment where the operator will be working. Our virtual class will include instruction and an example of this process.